Obligations of business it will frequently occur that pleasures have to be repudiated and annoyances accepted. The wise man always holds these matters to this principle of selection rejects pleasures to secure other greater pleasures.
Randall is the Commercial Lending Senior Underwriter. 40 years of lending for Business / Commercial Real Estate Financing.
Jane is the Director of Client Satisfaction. Jane is also serves as Vanguard's Liaison to our JV Commercial Lending Partners.
Betty is Vanguard’s Face to the world shown on the website. Betty heads-up Vanguard's Digital LEAD GENERATION.
Amber is Vanguard’s Social Media Guru utilizing all platforms. Amber works with our Back Office to Service over 3,000 clients/mo.
Janice is truly incredible when it comes to graphic art... she sees things in a very unique way, which makes her a true "Superstar Performer"!
Maxine is an amazing content creator and blog writing pro! Maxine is the most driven person you may ever meet... she demands perfection!
Jeff works with Betty in Lead Generation providing attorneys, Invisalign dentists, cosmetic surgeons, and Realtors with motivated new clients.
Annie manages office staff for all creative digital marketing and commercial financing. Annie is our FIXER who sorts things out seamlessly.
Must explain to you how work mistaken give you complete guide they cannot foresee pain.
Business it will frequently occur that pleasures have to be repudiated and annoyances accepted.
Being able to do what we like best every pleasure is to be welcomed and pain avoided but in certain.